


Tainan National University of the Arts



Themission of TNNUA is to nurture a high level of research talent in the professional arts fields. The university boasts a wide range of academic fields in related areas, comprising the College of Music, College of Visual Arts, College of Sound and Image Arts, College of Letters and Cultural Heritage, and Commission for General Education. It has yielded outstanding results in education since its founding. Under the leadership of professional faculty and artistic environment, TNNUA has successfully trained outstanding professional art talents in the field of art creation and research, establishing it as one of the most outstanding academic institutes specializing in professional arts research and practice.

In recent years TNNUA has invested significant effort in exploring the possibilities of combining the humanities and arts with technology. It has formed cross-sector alliances with local industries from the field of digital technology, and proactively showcases the universities creative capabilities in different fields of the arts. It assists in cultural rehabilitation and the building of a local ‘humanities consciousness’ through continuous efforts in work creation and research. Through art exchanges, the school connects to the global community, bringing Taiwan’s art experts into the international stage and demonstrating Taiwan’s potential in the field of arts.


Taiwan Music Institute, Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center


The Taiwan Music Institute was first set up in 1990 as the Centre of Ethnic Music founded by the Council for Cultural Affairs (the antecedent of the Ministry of Culture). In 2002, it came under the authority of the National Centre for Traditional Arts and was renamed the Ethnic Music Research Institute. Due to the reorganization of NCFTA in 2008, it then transformed into the Centre of Taiwan Music. After the establishment of the Ministry of Culture in May 2012, the Taiwan Music Institute was officially named. With the change to the new name, its administrative affairs have gradually expanded. The Taiwan Music Institute is the place to start your search for the music of Taiwan.


Regional Committee of Taiwan for the International Council for Traditional Music

國際傳統音樂學會臺灣分會(Regional Committee of Taiwan for the InternationalCouncil for Traditional Music; ICTM/UNESCO, NGO)為「國際傳統音樂學會」在台灣之聯絡窗口,為了讓臺灣民族音樂學與舞蹈學研究能踏入國際領域、擴展視野,增進與各國間的學術交流,並整合國際傳統音樂學會在臺灣之會員力量,於2006年9月經總會通過成立「國際傳統音樂學會台灣分會」。

2006年初,一群「國際傳統音樂學會」臺灣會員提出成立臺灣分會之構想,在該會德國籍理事Dr. Marianne Broecker的協助之下開始籌劃台灣分會的成立,並於該年五月七日假國立臺北藝術大學舉行首次的籌備會議。會中同意成立「國際傳統音樂學會臺灣分會」,並通過成立後的組織章程,同時選出臨時聯絡人鄭德淵教授,以及成立後之會長臺南藝術大學鄭德淵教授、副會長臺北藝術大學吳榮順教授,並於該年六月向總會提出申請,於2006年9月經總會理事會議正式通過後,「國際傳統音樂學會臺灣分會」正式成立,並由鄭德淵教授擔任首任會長,國立臺北藝術大學吳榮順教授擔任副會長。第二、三屆會長與副會長分別由國立臺南藝術大學民族音樂學研究所所長蔡宗德教授與國立臺北藝術大學傳統音樂學系李秀琴副教授擔任,於2018年10月假國立高雄師範大學再召開第四屆會員大會進行會長與副會長改選,現任會長與副會長分別由李秀琴副教授與陳靜儀博士擔任。

